The Macro-Financial Effects of International Bank Lending on Emerging Markets, with Inaki Aldasoro, Federico Grinberg, and Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli. Journal of International Economics, Volume 142, May 2023, 103733.
A Lending Network under Stress: A Structural Analysis of the Money Market Funds Industry
Inelastic Financial Markets and Foreign Exchange Interventions, with Chang He
Cross-Border Migration and Climate, with Metodij Hadzi-Vaskov
October 2023 Regional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere, Climate Shocks and Cross-Border Migration in Latin America and the Caribbean (Online Annex 3)
October 2023 Regional Economic Outlook: Western Hemisphere, El Niño’s Potential Impact on Latin America (Online Annex 2)
Guatemala: 2023 Article IV Staff Report. IMF Country Report No. 23/172 International Monetary Fund
Guatemala: 2023 Selected Issues. IMF Country Report 23/173, International Monetary Fund
Trading Frictions in Money Markets, with Inaki Aldasoro
Multilateral Spillovers from FX Intervention, with Julia Faltermeier and Tom Wang
International Financial Spillovers of US Monetary Policy in Concentrated Markets, with Archit Singhal
Fiscal Policy in a Production Network, with Pablo Garay and Oscar Valencia